Industry Use case on Automation Using Ansible -Demo
Hello Techies !!!!
Yesterday night had a Great session with Sreejith Anujan Sir and Arun Eapen Sir. Sreejith Anujan sir implementated a pratical demo on Industry Use case on Automation Using Ansible.I would like to share something regarding to yesterday session
Let’s start ,
What is Ansible?
Ansible is an open-source software provisioning, configuration management, and application-deployment tool enabling infrastructure as code. It runs on many Unix-like systems, and can configure both Unix-like systems as well as Microsoft Windows.
What is automation?
Normally in our routine IT world doing the same with the some period of gap or daily doing it manually it is a big deal it will affects on our time and man power to work on same thing again and again sometimes causes errors because somethings missed between it while doing things manually.
Our world also become to do work fastest way and with less effort so automation come and play a role by writing a script releated to work and running the script as per our requirement and achieve same thing like manually and automation will also save our time and without any man power but writing the script is one time effort it is not a big deal to work.
Meanwhile we had so many distribution providing automation tools like ansible, puppet, perl, python etc. Automation helps to achieve to do provising the os in cloud it may be any distrubution and configure the operating system.
In ansible we will configured the Managed nodes from the target nodes by writing the playbook in the controlled node and running in the controlled node if controlled node goes down then entrie automation will stop.
Ansible tower
so Ansible tower and come play a role ansible tower comes with cluster environment provides with high availability now again launch same server with same database this is known as scaling.Ansible Tower makes automation scaling much easier.
Ansible Tower is WebUI interface tool. Ansible Tower is used for Enterprise or Business level prospective. Ansible Tower provides us multiples features to bulid Automation with easy interaction.Behind the scene Ansible tower uses the ansible playbook it is known as Job Template in Ansible Tower.
Ansible Tower provides another feature Credentials to provision any os in the cloud like Aws, Azure, Gcp, Oracle cloud etc is required to define our identity by secret key and access key with encrypted manner Ansible Tower have secure database at the backend of API .By default ansible Tower provides some credentials type if some credentials types are not available then can able to create own credentials can create with python virtual environments.
Ansible Tower also provides to do workflows allow to configure a sequence of disprate job templates.Also, we can send notifications and ask for approval for the next tasks like slack by going to setting option and selecting the slack.
Thank you Sreejith Anujan Sir and Arun Eapen Sir for your valuable time and for a great session share lots of useful information about industries usecases . I would also like to thank Vimal sir and Preeti mam.
Thank you for reading!!!!
Happy learning keep connect!!!!